Biogas plant FarMethane: For farms exactly fitting for your farm (75kw 99kw 150kw or more)

Think about tomorrow

The FarMethan biogas plant for future-oriented agriculture

For livestock farms such as dairy farmers, poultry, bull and pig fattening farms, horse owners and cattle breeders, the construction and operation of a FarMethane biogas plant means new, sustainable income opportunities. The use of liquid manure and dung is particularly promoted in the current EEG. Whether 75kw, 99kw, 150kw or more – we plan and build your FarMethane biogas plant individually according to your operational situation and availability of substrates..

Further promoted

Slurry and manure plants

The utilization of feed residues, solid manure, cattle or pig slurry in your own biogas plant strengthens the profitability, competitiveness and future viability of your agricultural business. Because by using existing substrates to generate energy in your own on-farm biogas plant, you benefit directly.

As a biogas pioneer and biogas plant manufacturer, OEKOBIT has over 22 years of experience with biogas and biomethane projects of all sizes. We are actively involved in biogas research and development of biogas plants as well as components for biogas production, upgrading and utilization. The focus is on profitability, additional economic benefits for our customers and environmentally friendly production of electricity and heat.

Field report:

Andreas Meyers

Farmer Andreas Meyers reports, one year after the commissioning of his 75 kW biogas plant, about his experiences so far, about the profitability and the technical components of his OEKOBIT biogas plant.

The plant is operated exclusively with cattle slurry and manure from the farmer’s own dairy herd and produces approximately 643,000 kWh of electricity per year.

The FarMethane biogas plant

You have liquid manure, solid manure and/or feed residues? Then our FarMethane system is the right one for you. FarMethane plants from OEKOBIT generate additional revenue for your agricultural business on the basis of low operating costs and low labor input. And they stand out from comparable products due to their excellent price-performance ratio. The FarMethan concept is based on more than 22 years of OEKOBIT experience in manure and slurry fermentation and is characterized by a short construction time of only 6 weeks, high utilization in operation and performance reserves. The plant is completely prefabricated during the earthworks and can be easily integrated into the existing infrastructure of your farm.

High quality plant equipment

We have placed particular emphasis on reliability and durability in the design. In addition to robust components made of stainless steel (e.g. heating, center support, mist insert), adjustable, high-thrust and efficient agitators as well as high-quality supporting air roofs are used. An intuitive, user-friendly control system with emergency power concept, power load management, maintenance service and daily report controls and monitors the plant fully automatically. The concept guarantees economical operation with low maintenance, servicing and energy costs. Gas-fired combined heat and power units with a high degree of efficiency are used. The FarMethane concept is rounded off by an efficient desulfurization system with filter, belt and fine mesh substructure, and automatic flare.

Safe and environmentally friendly

FarMethane also scores with sustainability and economy in the heating concept: Surpluses can be used to heat the residential building by using a temperature-monitored VA heating system with high heat input and suitable insulation.

Facts and advantages

  • Substrate flexible, high man part possible
  • intuitive industrial process control system with load management and service module
  • reliable heat supply through temperature-monitored stainless steel heating system
  • robust paddle and rod agitators with external motors
  • short construction time due to high degree of prefabrication and fast commissioning
  • durable supporting air roof with bolted clamping rail system, stainless steel center support, desulfurization net and effective OEKOBIT desulfurization filter
  • spacious technical module
  • system proven over many years
  • easy integration of existing tanks possible
  • automatic operation
  • low operating costs, low labor input
  • heat utilization for own use e.g. in residential house, company building etc.
Actual brochure
Dosing unit
Technical conainer
fermentation residue storage tank

Ask us!

Are you interested in a biogas plant? We would be happy to inform you about all technical and economic aspects of building and operating your own plant – at your site or at one of our already realized biogas or biomethane plants. OEKOBIT is supported by people with enthusiasm for bioenergy. We are looking forward to your call!

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How a biogas plant works

Biogas is produced by the biological decomposition of biomass. In smaller biogas plants, the input usually consists of agricultural substrates such as manure and slurry or feed residues. In larger plants, energy crops (corn, GPS, sugar beets, etc.), lawn clippings, various types of straw such as corn straw, food waste, and food manufacturing waste are also used.

The substrate is fed into the airtight heated fermentation tank, the digester. Agitators in the vessel ensure even distribution of the biomass and prevent sinking and floating layers that could disrupt the gas extraction process and plant function. Fermentation in the digester produces biogas.  The biogas process in detail.

The biogas produced is collected by a flexible roof above the digester and then transferred to the CHP plant through piping that incidentally “dries” the gas. The power plant takes over the production of electricity, which naturally also generates heat. Part of this process waste heat is returned to the biogas plant to heat the fermenter. The remainder can be used to heat farm and residential buildings on site or fed into an existing heating network. The energetic input from agricultural by-products is thus optimally utilized; hardly anything is lost. Furthermore, fermentation residues can be reused as high-quality fertilizer. So it’s no wonder that biogas plays an important role in the energy transition. One advantage over other renewable energies is that biogas can be stored and used as needed without having to be converted into another energy source.

The electricity produced with the help of biogas in the CHP unit is fed directly into the public grid, for which the operator of the biogas plant receives remuneration in accordance with the EEG. Alternatively or additionally, the biogas produced can be refined into biomethane for direct feed-in to the public natural gas grid. Biomethane can also be used as a renewable fuel on site.

Advantages and challenges of operating a biogas plant

There are many good reasons for farmers to operate their own small-scale biogas plant: Existing resources (liquid manure, feed residues) can be used to generate added economic value and to future-proof the farm with a new branch of the energy industry. In addition, every biogas plant makes a contribution to the desired energy turnaround: The production of biogas is environmentally and climate friendly. In addition to minimizing greenhouse gases (CH4, CO2, etc.), the fermentation of manure also promotes active groundwater protection and climate protection.

Energy farmers need reliable support

Aber natürlich gehen mit dem Betrieb einer Biogasanlage für Landwirte auch ein paar Herausforderungen einher. Dazu zählt die intensive Auseinandersetzung mit dem neuen Betriebszweig, wie zum Beispiel Vermarktungsmöglichkeiten, gesetzlichen Vorgaben für die Einspeisung, für den Emissionsschutz und die Inputzusammensetzung sowie die Auswahl des besten Systems für eine maximale Rentabilität Ihrer Anlage. In allen diesen Aspekten stehen wir bei OEKOBIT Ihnen selbstverständlich gern von Anfang an beratend zur Seite.

Biogas production without monoculture

Biogas and biomethane plants undoubtedly make an important contribution to climate-friendly energy production. However, they have also come under criticism in the past. This has particularly affected operators of large-scale plants that use corn grown specifically for energy production and cultivate large areas of their land monoculturally for this purpose. For you as an operator of a small slurry biogas plant, this point is not further relevant, provided that you actually convert mainly slurry and feed residues into usable energy in your plant.

Biogas production without annoying odors

In the past, the odor nuisance in the surrounding area associated with the spreading of liquid manure was often criticized. The liquid manure fermented in the biogas plant (fermentation substrate) is much less odorous and easier to apply when it is later spread on the field. Furthermore, this high-quality fertilizer can be absorbed much faster by the plants.