The art of downsizing – Biogasjournal reports about HoMethan in Colombia
HoMethan ist eine von OEKOBIT entwickelte Kleinstbiogasanlage. HoMethan is our Small Biogas Plant Solution for treating organic waste materials and use biogas as energy source in remote areas. HoMethan helps to provide security of energy supply and reduces dependency on expensive fossil fuels like LPG and Diesel. It‘s designed for small farms, farming households, cooperatives, dairies, pig farming, small-scale food processing industry, etc.
“The art of downsizing” published in Biogasjournal Spring 2017 is concerned with the development and subsequent use of the HoMethan in Colombia.
To begin with it was a sort of a bet In 2012 Christoph Spurk, co-founder and managing director of OEKOBIT gmbH wanted to convince his engineering colleagues that it was possible to develop a simple and cheap biogas plant with a few basic components… read more